Friday, August 12, 2011

Day Twenty-eight

Today wins the award for busiest day thus far. I got in early to blog for yesterday and do some reading for my presentation. After the intern meeting I went over to the undergraduate research symposium with Emily. We listened to presentations on everything from the astronomy and education research some people in the Insight lab conducted to a presentation on how ant behavior can be used in optimization and applied to image processing (that one was really cool).

Lunch was included in the symposium and consisted of a variety of Asian dishes. After eating, instead of listening to the keynote speaker, Marc took Alex and I on a tour of building 8.

A gigantic slide rule.

View of the floor from the third floor.

An alternative version of the traditional RIT map. Watch our for Larp Land.

Sign on the supercomputer's room's door.

(Part of) RIT's supercomputer.

We returned for some more astronomy talks and then hurried over to see posters in the Innovation Center. One discussed goldfish training...

At around three several of the other interns and I headed up to the roof to watch the airplane that was doing a remote sensing collect fly over. Liz and I actually got to take measurements for the experiment, recording temperatures of different water.

The very end of the day brought an email from Dr. O'Dea with feedback on the plots. Now new alterations must be made on Monday. I need to work more on my presentation as well... lots to do!

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